Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spiritual Sundays: He Has Risen

Happy Resurrection Sunday! This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Today, my husband and I attended sunrise service at 5:30am. This day is very special because it's the day my Lord and Savior rose from the grave after 3 days, just as He promised.

What a true blessing is to have a Savior that suffered and died - all for me. I thank God every day for the greatest sacrifice of all and it is my hope that my action's, attitude and the way I live my life are pleasing in His eyes.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16.

Do you have everlasting life?

Be blessed and live life abundantly!

Blessings and Favor,

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yoplait Yogurt: Orange Creme (Review)

This is the best yogurt flavor I have ever tasted. I needed something light and delicious for after a workout or on the go. This is the prefect snack choice for me.
Orange Creme (Original)
Nutritional Facts: 170 Calories, 99% fat free and 20% daily value of calcium and vitamin D.
Orange Creme (Light)
Nutritional Facts: 100 Calories, fat free, and 20% daily value of calcium and vitamin D.
Orange Creme Yoplait Yogurt tastes very similar to a 50/50 ice-cream bar. If you've never had one it has an orange outer shell (so to speak) with a rich, creamy vanilla inside. That is exactly what it reminds of and it has a picture of a 50/50 bar on the front label. It's 6oz and when eaten directly out of the refrigerator is absolutely heavenly. I purchase these at 2 for $1.00 and I normally stock up on 12 (6 of each).
Orange Creme Yoplait Yogurt (Light) has a milder orangely taste than the original. It's also 70 calories less which is a trade-off I'm happy with because the flavor is still there, just not as strong. The Light also tastes more whipped than the original. I choose the Orange Creme Light when I believe I may very close to or about to pass my calorie limit for the day or when I need something sweet before bed and I don't want to feel guilty about it in the AM or after I finish eating.
I normally stock up on these and purchase 12 (6 of each) and the cost I've been finding is 2 for $1.00.
Rating and Reason: A+
I love-love-love this flavor. It is absolutely perfect for me and my needs. It's 170 calories and only 100 calories for the Light. It's delicious and best of all absolutely no chunks! It's creamy, smooth and when eaten cold is heavenly. Sometimes, I'll grab one on the way out the door and not have an opportunity to eat it for a half an hour or so and it's still good, but I like it cold. It's an excellent, healthy choice and I highly recommend it if it's something your interested in. It's also great for a dessert option.
Blessings and Favor,

Friday, April 3, 2009

Healthy Hair: Braid-Out Pony Style

Normally after a braid-out style, the next option for me is a pony tail.

I simply sprayed a mixture of Rose Water, Aloe Vera Juice and a few drops of oil on my hair, applied Hairveda's Whipped Gelly & Almond Glaze to my edges and softly brushed the hair back into a pony-tail.

I can usually keep this style up for a couple of days, if necessary. The pony is so fluffy because of the braid-out.

I sleep in a satin scarf with my hair piled on top of my head.

I will review various products I mention in later posts.

Blessings and Favor,

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Healthy Hair: Braid-Out Style

I massaged my scalp a little with the coconut oil before getting into the shower. I rinsed my hair and got back out. I applied the my conditioner mixture (more about that in another post) from root to ends. I massaged it into my hair as if it was shampoo but was trying to avoid tangles. Then I ran my hair turban under hot water and placed it on my head. Next, I sat under the dryer for about 2 minutes but it was too hot, so I just waited and after about 20 minutes I rinsed it out.

I decided to try a cold water rinse at the end for 30 seconds to snap in moisture to my hair and hair cuticles. It felt like a brain freeze in reverse. I stepped out, gently toweled dried and proceeded to comb my hair with a wide-tooth comb using a picking motion. Honestly, not a lot of hair came out which was fantastic. My hair felt very soft and I was really happy with the mixture. to do that as well!

I applied Jane Carter's Nourish & Shine (will review later). I moisturized my hair with this, not piece by piece but I slathered about a quarter-size into my palm, rubbed my hands together and applied throughout the hair. I then parted my hair from the front center to the back center…clipped up the right side (I purchased 3 new clips – same style 1 big, 2 little and they are awesome)…and parted down vertically, then horizontally. I combed each piece from bottom to top with the small comb. I had a total of 8 braids on each side of the head totaling 16. I made each braid the same size and braided down as far as I could. Then I ran water over the ends and curled it with an orange roller. I would actually like some softer rollers because these are hard to sleep in. The whole process took more than an hour. Then I put on my pink satin cap and air dried overnight. Thank goodness no dryer!!!

The next morning was church and it was taking forever to get the braids down. The bottoms of the braids were the hardest to take down and I doubt I will braid down that far in the future. I had to go to the car in my robe with my brush, comb and a towel – dressed of course! By the time we made it to church I was done. I separated each piece of hair and clipped up half my hair, leaving hair down in the back and little tiny piece in the front.

I am more than pleased with the results. And I noticed some beautiful colors, when I took the pictures in the sun. This will be a nice go-to Summer style for me. By the way, I received so many compliments on my hair. Hubby even liked it...and he's can be hard to please.

Blessings and Favor,

Random: Updates

I just posted a review of The Biggest Loser Cardio Max workout DVD. However, since I started the post late January, that's the date it registered under on my blog. So, it's there you just have to scroll down. And for some reason, the first paragraph of the post is scattered along the side of the picture. I've tried to fix it but this site has a mind of its own.

Blessings and Favor,