Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spiritual Sundays: Believe God

Happy Sunday!!!

Believe God (Dr. Lea - January 2009)

Todays scriptural inspiration and word comes from James 2:23, Galatians 3:6, Romans 4:3 and Genesis 15:6. Below are some of my notes.

The question that was posed was "What is it that you can't or will not believe God for?" Is it your bills, finances, repairing your relationships, saving your marriage, career, that promotion you've been wanting, depression, discouragement, doubt, the list can be endless.

We must Believe God for...

1) ...Who He is
God is faithful in doing and being. He is a perfect example of Excellence!!!

2) ...Who He is Not
This is self-explanatory.

3) ...What He Can Do
The Miraculous, the impossible...

My Response: This message came right on time for me. There are so many things going on in my life right now and there are times were doubt and discouragement have me on the verge of depression. I believe God, however sometimes my faith waivers when things get too tough, too tight or even uncomfortable.

I know if anybody can do what I need done, it's God. He is an amazing, almighty, awesome God and there is none higher. I have learned to praise Him in the midst of my storms which seem to be far scarier than I ever remember. I just continue to thank Him for his grace and blessings, but I also call on His name. I tell God that I need Him more than ever before and because I am His child I know He will not let me fail. He will not allow things to become so out of control that I lose my mind.

All because I "Believe God."

What is it that you can't or will not "Believe God" for?

Blessings and Favor,

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