Friday, February 13, 2009

Yoplait Yogurt: Lemon Burst (Review)

I have never been a yogurt fan, partly due to Biology class and viewing the live cultures under a microscope. However, lately I have been experimenting, so to speak. My husband loves yogurt, so a few months ago when we were at Sam's Club I suggested we get the 18 pack of yogurt. I decided to try one and it was delicious.

I do not like chunks of things in my mouth. For example, when I order a smoothie from Jamba Juice, I have them blend it twice as much as they normally would because I can't stand to feel the chunks of fruit in my mouth.


That being said, I have 2 flavors that I want to review; the first is Lemon Burst.
Nutritional Facts: 180 Calories, 99% fat free and 20% of the daily value of calcium and vitamin D.

Lemon Burst yogurt tastes very similar to Lemon Meringue pie without the meringue (which is just lemon pie). It smells delicious and is very smooth, but it has very small pieces of lemon pulp in it. I can actually taste and feel the lemon pulp on my tongue.

Rating and Reason: B
The Lemon Burst flavor is refreshing, easy to take with you and doesn't have a lot of chunks inside. However, it does have some tiny lemon pieces and that's the only thing I don't care for and the reason for the rating. I pay about $0.68 at the Wal-Mart SuperCenter and I usually buy 2 or 3. This is my second favorite flavor and usually comes in handy when I have to skip breakfast and leave out in a hurry. This also satisfies my sweet cravings and is a healthier choice, for me at least. I recommend this flavor if you like Lemon Meringue Pie without the Meringue

Blessings and Favor,

Monday, February 2, 2009

Bolthouse Farms: Fruit Smoothie Reviews

I was researching healthy drinks to curb my appetite and came across Bolthouse Farms smoothies. I read quite a few reviews and decided to search high and low for these healthy/fruity drinks. They are all 100% natural with no sugars added.

I found 1 Liters at Food Max for $3.69 each. I purchased 5 in total; C-Boost, Green Goodness, Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea w/Soy Protein, Berry Boost and Strawberry Banana.

C-Boost is blended with ingredients to support your immune system. It contains 50% daily value of Vitamin A which supports the circulatory system. 1200% daily value of Vitamin C which benefits the immune system. 20% daily value Vitamin E which maintains skin and eye tissue as well as Zinc and Echinacea.

It has 8 1/3 servings of fruit per 1 Liter bottle. For every 8 fl. oz there are 152 calories. It's 100% juice/puree and 100% natural.

Rating & Reason: A+
This is one of the best smoothie I have ever tasted. It is so refreshing, delicious and healthy. I have purchased more of the C-Boost than any other flavor. It's heavenly right after a workout, too.

Green Goodness
This smoothie has vegetables in addition to fruits. It contains blue green algae, broccoli, spinach, spirulina and barley grass. On the fruit side it has apple, pineapple, mango and kiwi juice. It has 14 powerful nutrients and after drinking 1 Liter you can have all your vegetables taken care of for the day.

Rating and Reason: C-
When I first poured the Green Goodness it looked like thick, swamp water. I was prepared for this after reading several reviews. It smelled a little fruity, like apple juice. After you get past the first sip it's okay. I had purchased this 2 more times but I just can't seem to enjoy it. I tried to give it a chance and it would have been a great way to get my veggies in, but it's a no-go for me. I gave it a C- because I think some people may be able to drink this on a consistent basis and enjoy it.

Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea w/Soy Protein
Perfectly Protein is brimming with nutrients like Vitamin C, B12 and B6, zinc, iron, magnesium, 18 amino acids per serving. It has a slight cinnamon flavor and enough of a boost to keep you energized throughout the day.

Rating and Reason: B-
I tried this drink over ice and after the initial first taste, it tasted a little like melted ice cream. It could have been all in my head, but it was pretty tasty. It's not something I can drink all the time like the C-Boost and I have only purchased 1 more time. I am not a tea or soy drinker, but if you are this may be right up your alley.

Berry Boost
Berry Boost is rich in Vitamins A, C, E, B6 and B12. It's packed with fruits such as strawberries, red-raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and boysenberries.

Rating & Reason: C+
Berry Boost has really strong berry flavors and at times the taste was too overwhelming for me. I recommended all these flavors to a friend and she said that she had a hard time getting this one down because of the overwhelming berry flavors, as well. This one isn't bad and some may like the intense berry flavors. It's decent, however, I probably would not purchase again.

Strawberry Banana Fruit Smoothie
This smoothie has hand-picked bananas, apple juice and vine-ripened strawberries. No preservatives and nothing artificial. It's packed with nutrients and is a good source of Vitamin C and potassium.

Rating and Reason: A
Strawberry Banana is my second favorite flavor. It tastes so yummy, it feels like your not supposed to be drinking it. I can't believe how healthy it is. It's so smooth and the bananas, strawberries and apple juice is blended to perfection. It's excellent in the morning with breakfast, as an afternoon snack or after a workout.

I am so thankful I found these. They have a few other smoothie flavors like Blue Goodness, however I want to try their lemonade flavors; Mango Lemonade Juice and Prickly Pear Cactus Lemonade. They are all natural as well but probably not nearly as healthy as the smoothies. I highly recommend you try Bolthouse Farms, especially if you are looking for a healthy alternative. They can be found at Raley's, Walgreens (expensive for small bottles), Costco, Food Max, Wal-Mart (Supercenter), Albertson's and Nob Hill Food's, to name a few.

Disclaimer: My review of something is exactly that, my review. Everyone is different and reviews are subjective. Please try things on your on and come to your own conclusion.

Blessings and Favor,

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spiritual Sundays: Believe God

Happy Sunday!!!

Believe God (Dr. Lea - January 2009)

Todays scriptural inspiration and word comes from James 2:23, Galatians 3:6, Romans 4:3 and Genesis 15:6. Below are some of my notes.

The question that was posed was "What is it that you can't or will not believe God for?" Is it your bills, finances, repairing your relationships, saving your marriage, career, that promotion you've been wanting, depression, discouragement, doubt, the list can be endless.

We must Believe God for...

1) ...Who He is
God is faithful in doing and being. He is a perfect example of Excellence!!!

2) ...Who He is Not
This is self-explanatory.

3) ...What He Can Do
The Miraculous, the impossible...

My Response: This message came right on time for me. There are so many things going on in my life right now and there are times were doubt and discouragement have me on the verge of depression. I believe God, however sometimes my faith waivers when things get too tough, too tight or even uncomfortable.

I know if anybody can do what I need done, it's God. He is an amazing, almighty, awesome God and there is none higher. I have learned to praise Him in the midst of my storms which seem to be far scarier than I ever remember. I just continue to thank Him for his grace and blessings, but I also call on His name. I tell God that I need Him more than ever before and because I am His child I know He will not let me fail. He will not allow things to become so out of control that I lose my mind.

All because I "Believe God."

What is it that you can't or will not "Believe God" for?

Blessings and Favor,