Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Workout Wednesdays: The Biggest Loser Cardio Max

I always engage in extensive research before I make a purchase (for the most part) and this was no different. I read several reviews of this workout DVD and purchased it for $7.50.

It features; Customize your workout - (where you choose which levels you would like to do), Maximize results Program (they choose your workouts each week), and the music only option (eliminating cue's from the trainer's). You will need hand weights for Level 1. On some days, I simply used water bottles.

The disc contains 3 cardio levels and warm-up & cool-down options.
Warm-up (5 mins.) w/Bob
Cardio Level 1 (20 mins.) w/Bob
Cardio Level 2 (10 mins.) w/Jillian
Cardio Level 3 (10 mins.) w/Kim
Cool-down (5 mins.) w/Bob
I don't watch the Biggest Loser, so I'm not a fan, however I know I needed some cardio work at home. I also know those people lose a lot of weight. I've heard about Jillian Michaels (I will be reviewing the 30-day Shred next week) and she means business.

I started this video with only the warm-ups and cardio Level 1. I did sweat and felt my heart rate was really up there. After getting bored with level 1, I advanced to Level 2. Jillian is no joke. She doesn't waste any time and you will sweat. One day I tried Level 2 and Level 3, but I found Level 3 to be uneventful. I thought it would build up to something fantastic...starting w/Bob and then moving to Jillian, but I was so disappointed in Level 3. Jillian even says mid-way through her workout "Man, whose doing level 3...glad it's not me", so I just knew that I would be challenged in level 3. It's more of a kickbox style, which is great, however after Jillian's Level 2 - let's just say - Level 3 doesn't live up to the hype.

For the past couple of months, after my other workout video I only customize my workout on this disc to Cardio Level 2 w/Jillian. Depending on how I feel I may do her section twice.

Rating & Reasons: C
I gave The Biggest Loser Cardio Max a C. I was really excited about this workout video at first but after a few weeks, it wore off. I'm sure it had something to w/my boredom on Level 1 and my disappointment w/Level 2. Jillian's Level is the only reason this is receiving an average rating. She is motivating and its only 10 minutes. Ten minutes goes by so fast with her and I'm out of breathe and dripping sweat in no time. Another reason the rating is so low is because you really need to supplement Cardio Max with another video, maybe some strength training.I definitely don't think it's enough on its own.

Blessings and Favor,

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