Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Beautiful Hair: My Healthy Hair Journey

Hello! This photo is one of the 1st photos I took when I began my hair journey in August of 2008. Initially, I wanted to post some pictures of one of the styles I tried and successfully achieved with my hair, but I realized you know absolutely nothing about my hair! So, I decided I would devote this post to a little bit (okay - a lot) of my hair history and in future post I will share styles (attempted & achieved), product reviews, hair care suggestions and photos with you beautiful people.

A few years ago, I was injured and as a result, my wrist, arms and back are weak and give me problems. When I was a little girl, I remember my hair was very, very thick and my Mom used to pay relatives and her friends to deal with it. I recall a stylist friend of hers (also one of my loving Godmothers) giving me a relaxer and my hair felt weightless, for lack of a better word. I couldn't have been more than 8 or 9 years old and I would get a relaxer every few months.

Ever since then, I have been relaxed. I tried washing my own hair a few times, but it would always end up a tangled mess. As long as I can remember I have gone to a stylist and let them deal with it. Around the age of 16, my Godmother/stylist became affiliated with Luster ( an African-American owned & operated company that manufactures hair care products for people of African descent). As a result, I became a model for their hair shows. I used a couple of their products on occasion, but I can't say that it was the sole attributing factor to my hair growth and length. Needless to say, the hair shows and the "professional stylist" were brutal on my hair. For some reason, the stylists would always want to cut my hair and they handled my hair and head roughly, to say the least. I began to notice damage from all the manipulation, poor hair care and even headaches from the hair shows.

I began to see a male stylist and he was great, however I would have to block out at least 8 hours to have my hair relaxed, dried and styled. It was a pain, but he was the only one that could get my hair the way I liked it. I continued to endure this for about 6 years, then I found another stylist...she was actually my Mom's stylist and a friend of my Godmother/stylist. She was okay, but she couldn't get my hair as straight as the previous guy. I stayed with her until this past August and then I started taking care of my own hair.

It has been so much fun and I am learning new things about my hair all the time. One of the first sites that I found, upon commencing my healthy hair care journey was Healthy Textures created by a beautiful young lady named Macherieamour a.k.a. Genifer Miller. Initially, I came across some tutorials on You Tube, then I clicked on her website. It was a wealth of information and I stayed up all night reading. I have also visited and perused various blogs, forums and constantly read literature on healthy hair care and maintenance.

Keep in mind, my husband was super skeptical and worried that I would be in pain because of my aforementioned injuries. Granted...he had never witnessed me do my own hair to this magnitude, aside from curling it or the classic ponytail. Needless to say, I was feeling discouraged, but looked to God and my Mom for encouragement. My hubby was supportive, but still skeptical. Later that August, after praying for God to provide me with strength, wisdom and courage, I self-relaxed and the results were beautiful (see photo above). At that time, my hair was an inch past Mid-Back Length. Now, I am Waist Length and lovin' it. It took a few months to get there, but I made it with God's amazing grace!

Thus far, this journey has liberated me in so many ways. For years, I felt confined to little salons and the lack of professionalism and treatment endured throughout the years. Now, I feel empowered by the ability to have control over my hair and grateful that I do not have to spend hundreds of dollars and long hours in a salon. I am confident that I possess the capability of maintaining my tresses. I also find spending quality time with and on my hair therapeutic. I hope this can be encouragement for someone that may be feeling discouraged to take charge of their hair or is seeking motivation. It's possible...with prayer, patience and research.

Blessings and Favor,

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